S V M Ayurvedic Research Center


India has a rich heritage in health care sciences from the times of Charaka and Sushrut. The Institute has built a research centre with modern technology available for Ayurved Research to promote inter disciplinary and inter faculty research.

Its perspective plan has taken an objective of Need Based Research. The plan proposes to –
1. Promote research and to include ethical guidelines for conducting medical research in all the systems of medicine.
2. To promote research in collaboration with technical institutes, industries and attempt to promote patent acquisition. India has a rich heritage in health care sciences from the times of Charaka and Sushrut. The Institute has a proposal to build a research centre with modern technology available for Ayurved Research to promote inter disciplinary and inter faculty research.
It also promotes Industry sponsored research as per need of industry and establishment of separate clinical trial department. Institute ensures that regular Workshops of Research Methodology are conducted for students and teachers.
Institute has a plan for Multi centric clinical trials, which is as follows:
To encourage research activities huge amount of clinical material is available in affiliated colleges which can be utilized by involving colleges in conducting multi centric clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies can take such type of opportunities and can give sponsorships to such clinical trials.