The Minority Cell in the college was established in 2017-18 with the purpose to empower the Minority (Muslim, Christian, Jain, and Sikh) students. The college takes special interest in facilitating financial support to students from these communities from government agencies and other sources. The cell is always engaged to solve the various problems of Minority students.
- The Minority Cell has been created in the college to resolve issues related to the Minority Students. Following are the important objectives of the cell:
- To aware the Minority students regarding various scholarships program of State & Central Government.
- To council and guide Minority students about various issues and help them to manage academic activities.
- To resolve problems related to Minority students.
- To communicate with the minority students and motivate them for better future planning.
- To assist minority students regarding their admission, scholarships and other similar matters in the College.
- To circulate the orders and other circulars issued by the University/ Government of India and UGC (University Grant Commission) and to collect regularly, on an annual basis, information regarding course-wise admission of candidates belonging to the minorities in the University and colleges for different courses in prescribed form within the stipulated date, and to take follow-up works, where ever required.
- To co-ordinate through university with Govt. (State & Central), UGC and such other organizations to get Scholarship/ freeship / other financial benefits for Minority students.
- To function as a Grievances Redress Cell for the grievances of Minority students and render them necessary help in solving their academic, research as well as administrative problems.
- To maintain a database of candidates belonging to Minority and facilitate placement service.
- Any other works assigned by the University from time to promote higher education among Minority students and staff.
- To conduct two meetings: one in the beginning of the first term and end of the second term of the academic year respectively.