Department of English
S V M Arts Science and Commerce College Ilkal
Department of English
English Department was established in the year 1964. It has gradually grown and is recognized as one of the finest departments of English under the umbrella of Rani Channamma University, Belagavi. The department has a special position amidst the student community for the initiatives it takes to promote the communication skills and personality development of the students through activities outside the classroom teaching. Some of them are ‘Word Bank’ ‘Story Time’ ‘Know Your English’ and ‘Thought for the Day’. In addition, the department encourages students’ extracurricular activities. Presently three faculty members have been working in the department. The limelight of the Department is its well-furnished English Language laboratory and Department Library. The Department focuses on providing an overview of Literature from aesthetic and linguistic, socio-political and cultural contexts. English Department strengthens the liberal education of students by developing a deepened understanding of language, values of critical reading, effective writing and the richness of literature past and present.
- English, Economics, Political Science
- English, Hindi, Economics
- English, History, Sociology
- English, Economics, Political Science
- English, Hindi, Economics
- English, History, Sociology
Syllabus of English for Bachelor of Arts:
- Introduction to Literature
- Indian Writing in English-I
- Introduction to Phonetics and Linguistics
- Indian Writing in English-2
- Understanding Literature-III
- Understanding Literature-IV
- Literary Criticism and Theory
- Linguistics and ELT
- English Language and English Phonetics
- Indian English Literature
- The basic concepts of literature are introduced.
- Relative study is possible with different humanistic subjects.
- Literary forms and terms are introduced.
- Students can understand the nature and scope of Indian English Literature.
- Major literary figures and their literary achievements are introduced.
- Students can understand Pre-Independence Poetry and fiction.
- Indian English Poetry, short stories and Essays are introduced.
- Basic language aspects are studied. Students can understand the phonetics and Linguistics.
- Students are able to understand the history of Indian English Literature.
- Important post independent writers are introduced.
- Able to define, discuss and analyse literary terms and concepts of literature and its works.
- Able to identify structural elements of works of poetry, fiction and drama and analyse how those elements help create specific meanings and effects.
- Able to compare works of literature in terms of theme, structure and use of literary devices.
- Able to trace and understand the development of Endian English Literature.
- Able to compare works of literature in terms of theme, structure and use of literary devices.
- Able to develop their critical thinking on the works and authors.
- Able to acquire knowledge of Phonetics and its concepts.
- Gained an understanding of Linguistics and its concepts.
- Able to define commonly used literary terms and concepts and use of those terms and concepts to discuss and analyse works of literature.
- Successfully identify varied structural elements of different genres of literature like poetry, fiction, and drama.
- Understood the Appreciate literary forms and structure in shaping text’s meaning.
- Gained an understanding of the concepts of literature.
- Total number of books in the department: 174
- Total number of books in the college library at English Department:2829
- Journals N-List
- English Language Lab
- Special Lecture on “Translation Studies
Recourse Person- Dr. Smt. Baad
Head, Dept. of English, SVMWC, Ilkal.
President – Prof. K. S. Ganiger
- Special Lecture on “Critical Theories”
Resourse Person – Prof. Tirumal Kulkarni
SVMWC, Ilkal.
President – Prof. S. S. Awati
Head of the Dept. of English, SVM College, Ilkal.
- MOU Programme with VMSR College, Hunagund
Resource Person – Dr. S. R. Golgond
Head of the Dept. of English, VMSR College, Hungund.
- Certificate Course in Communication Skills.
Program Coordinator –Dr. S. B. Biradar
Associate Professor, SVM College, Ilkal.
- Special Lecture: General English
Resource Person – Prof. L.K. Nataraj Aralasurali
Associate Professor, Cartoonis
Tunga College, Teerthahalli, Dist: Shimoga.
- Special Lecture on “English as a global Language”
Resource Person: Shri Raju Bommanal
- Word Bank:
Students enroll themselves in the college to have better education when it comes to the communication skills students find it difficult to express their ideas in English. Word Bank provides opportunity to improve communication skills of our students. To avoid the phobia English Word Bank is introduced by displaying a word with its meaning on the display board everyday along with its usage.
- It helps to enrich vocabulary of UG / PG students
- It improves the usage of English words
- Broadly speaking it helps to improve communication skills of our students.
- Know Your English:
The Hindu publishes an article titled “Know Your English”. It is displayed on the notice board for the improvement of language skills.
- Story Time:
Story Time is another best practice in the department. It is an activity based on stories. It helps to improve narrative skills of students. Students narrate interesting stories to their friends during ‘Story Time’ Sessions.