Establishment of College 1964
Establishment of IQAC 2003
Establishment of 2 (f) Under 2(f): 25 Jan 1978
Establishment of 12(b) 12(B): 21 March 1991
Institutional Status Affiliated to Rani Channamma University, Belagavi
Institutional Website
Institutional E-mail ID
Contact details  Landline:  9731240260

Principal: 9902683548

Compliance of previous NAAC Assessment (3rd Cycle)

Sl. No 3rd Cycle Recommendations for Quality Enhancement of the Institution 3rd Cycle Recommendations fulfilment status
1 Attempt may be made to fill all the sanctioned seats in different courses. Filled all 13 sanctioned seats in different courses.
2 Commence more post graduate courses with employment potential in a phased manner. Proposal to start few more PG programmes submitted to SVMVV Society for approval.
3 Encourage research culture and persuade teachers to acquire higher qualification. Research Culture is encouraged. Young scientist award

Ø  Ph.D : 21, M.Phil: 06, Registered for Ph.D: 04 Research Centre estd

4 More major and minor projects from funding agencies to be secured. Minor Research Projects are undertaken by the faculty. 600 student Projects have been undertaken on the local-issues.
5 Faculty to organize as well as attend more number of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops at National and International levels. Online seminars have been organized and faculties participated in Seminars, Conferences, workshops and Short-term Courses.
6 Publication output by faculty at National and International levels to be encouraged significantly. Publication output significantly increased. 30 books and 42 Research papers have been published.


Potential of Alumni association to be explored for the benefit of the institution. Potential of Alumni association explored for

the benefit of the institution regularly.

7 More placement opportunities for the students and creating skill development platforms. More placement opportunities for the students and subnday classes for skill development inititated. 150 students have been placed Fulltime and more than 100 students are placed on part-time basis.
8 ICT enabled teaching to be made a

regular practice in UG and PG courses.

ICT enabled teaching made a regular practice in UG and PG courses.
9 Steps to be taken to strengthen career guidance, counselling, mentoring etc. For empowering students. strengthened career guidance, counselling, mentoring and MoU with Deshpande Foundation and Pace etc., for empowering students. Many programmes are organized on skill development through Sunday classes and other programmes.
10 Add-on/Certificate courses may be started for skill development of students. 6 certificate and 2 add-on courses started for skill development of students.
11 Motivate students to appear for competitive examinations and arranging regular coaching class for the same. Arranged  regular coaching classes for the competitive examinations and motivated the students to appear for competitive examinations